James Paterek Discusses the Importance of a Positive Corporate Culture

Employee job satisfaction can lead to higher profits, increased company growth, and superior employee retention. However, many managers and executives don’t fully understand the importance of creating a positive company culture. Business executive James Paterek recently discussed the importance of building a positive corporate culture, which spreads throughout the entire company.

“We’re seeing major companies like Google and Twitter offer yoga closes, free lunches, and a variety of other perks that improve employee morale,” James Paterek said. “These may seem like unnecessary expenses, but they can actually greatly increase the bottom line for the business and improve employees’ lives. It’s a win-win situation.”

Paterek explained that companies need to focus on creating a positive company culture. When employee job satisfaction improves, those employees are more likely to be dedicated to the company’s success. This results in higher profits and faster, more successful company growth. A satisfied employee is much less likely to leave, and improved employee retention results in fewer setbacks due to hiring and training processes.

“A positive company culture is based on beliefs, values, and rituals a company acquires as it develops over time,” James Paterek said. “This culture can easily swing in many directions, and it’s important for leaders to redirect the culture when it heads in a more negative direction.”

Paterek explained that just as a positive corporate culture can positively sway a company, a negative company culture can drive it in the other direction. This can lead to unsatisfied employees who are unmotivated to help the company succeed and are drastically more likely to pursue other opportunities. Unhappy employees tend to be less productive

James Paterek cited research completed by the University of Warwick Department of Economics. The study stated that happy employees are 12 percent more productive than indifferent employees. Unhappy employees are 10 percent less productive than an average employee.

“Executives and managers are responsible for improving the company culture, and they can do so in several ways,” James Paterek said. “Not all companies need to create free yoga programs, but they do need to create a compassionate and transparent work atmosphere.”

Paterek finished by explaining that a positive work culture is one that values and encourages respect and gratitude. It emphasizes how certain tasks are meaningful and does not involve finger-pointing or blaming. A positive company culture is a team-oriented culture that celebrates successes as a group and works together to solve problems.

The company culture you create in your business could be the difference between failure and success.